锡苏普医药化工机械设备有限公司位于太湖之滨的宜兴市芳桥镇机械产业园,是设计和制造石油化工设备,生物制药设备,热电设备,搅拌设备,塔器,过滤。分离。净化设备及非标设备的企业,公司拥有280多人,其中从事压力容器设计,制造,检验的工程技术人员占25%,具有ISO14001环境体系三类,标准压力容器制造许可证及压力容器的设计证,通过IOS9001质量管理体系认证。 Wuxi Su Pu pharmaceutical chemical machinery equipment Co., Ltd. is ted in the Taihu Lake in Yixing City Fang Qiao Zhen National Machinery Industrial Park, is the design and manufacture of petroleum chemical equipment, bio pharmaceutical equipment, power equipment, mixing equipment, tower filtering. Separate. Purification equipment and non-standard equipment of the professional enterprise, the company has more than 280 people, which in pressure vessel design, manufacturing, test engineering and technical staff accounted for 25% of the ISO14001 environment system which has a, national safety standards of pressure vessel manufacturing license and pressure vessel design certification, through the ISO9001 quality management system certification.